At a glance

STAAQ Technology is a company active in the field of decarbonized hydrogen production by water electrolysis, based on over 50 years of cumulated experience in the design, manufacturing and marketing of PEM electrolysis solutions.

STAAQ Technology masters all the skills in the field of PEM electrolysis:

  • Technology know-how
  • Industrial know-how
  • Market expertise
  • Commercial know-how

Our vision

Technological expertise
and developments.

Industrial scale-up of
PEM electrolysis

Global deployment

A world that wants to be climate neutral by 2050 relies on the massive implementation
of energy transition policies towards a low-carbon economy.
Green hydrogen will be one of the main energy carrier needed for this transition.
This transition will be made by scaling up hydrogen production technologies.


Initial Production

STAAQ Technology will start initial production ok MW size PEM stacks.


First Institutional Support

STAAQ Technology obtains a first grant from the Public Investment Bank in support of its "MegaScale" PEM technology scaling project.

August 2022

Creation of Staaq Technology

First customers indentified and financing in place. STAAQ Technology is created in May 2021

May 2021

Preparatory Phase

Clarification of the project, the products and services, the buisiness model.




10 rue de Penthièvre, 75008 Paris, France
Request for a call :+33 6 32 85 28 05


2a rue Danton
92170 Montrouge , France


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

Integrated solutions

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

PEM Stack product line

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

Our vision

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

At a glance

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

Where do we stand ?

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:

Low carbon hydrogen

For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries:


For decades, hydrogen has been used primarily by the chemical and refining industries: